Solid Rock United Methodist Church
Monday, October 21, 2024
... building lives on the foundation of Jesus Christ



Children’s Sermon

Children gather on the steps at the front of the church each week for a sermon just for them!


Children's Church

Children's Church meets Sunday morning following the Children's Sermon.


Kids Club

Kids Club meets on the third Thursday of each month during the school year from 6:00 to 7:30.


Rock Solid Youth

Rock Solid Youth is for 4th through 12th grades. They meet weekly on Sundays from 6:00 to 7:30. Rock Solid Youth offers fellowship, snacks, games, worship, and a lesson/discussion time. Several events are scheduled throughout the year, such as attending concerts, a TinCaps game, and leading the Christmas Eve service. Various community service projects are conducted. Summer camp opportunities are available for all age levels.



Warren Area Youth is for all local kids and youth groups in grades 6 through 12. They meet four times a year for various events and outings. Watch for announcements of upcoming events.


Praise Team

The Solid Rock Praise Team ministers during every Sunday worship, leading energetic, uplifting, contemporary praise songs.



Since its conception over twenty years ago, S.O.S. has been a vital link to our church and community. S.O.S., the familiar symbol for "Help," is the foundation on which the group is built. When members of the group need help, whether it is a meal, card of encouragement, or a friendly listening ear, S.O.S. is there. Not only the members of the group benefit from their compassion, but members of the church, community, and world-wide mission endeavors benefit as well. Love offerings are used to help people in the community, different charitable organizations, and our men and women in the armed forces, to name just a few. They have sent animals to foreign countries, supplies to school projects overseas, and have adopted a girl from Brazil, sending monies to help make life easier and more meaningful. The acronym S.O.S. stands for "Save Our Sanity," "Share Ourselves," and "Serve Our Savior." Through life and spiritual lessons, the group grows and laughs together as they strive toward these precepts. The group meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the home of its members. Everyone is invited!


Men’s Fellowship

Men’s Fellowship meets for breakfast and devotions at 8:00 a.m. on the second Saturday of each month at Son-Rise Bakery. They conduct two East of Chicago fundraisers each year, with all proceeds used to assist local families in need.


Bread of Life Food Pantry

Solid Rock supports the Warren Bread of Life Food Pantry through donations and by providing volunteer assistance on a regular basis.


Community Outreach

Rent and utility assistance is available. Contact the church office for more information.


Concession Stand

Solid Rock operates the concession stand at Tower Park during the summer ball season. This ministry provides a Christian presence at the park and concessions at affordable prices for families. Proceeds from the stand support a variety of other Solid Rock ministries.


Card Ministry

The card ministry repurposes used greeting cards, which are sold at nominal prices. Their selection of cards is located across the hall from the restrooms.


“Feasting on the Word” Bible Study

This Bible study meets each Monday evening at 7:00 p.m., studying the scripture passage for the upcoming sermon.


Prayer Chain

The Prayer Chain notifies members of prayer needs via a phone call chain. Contact the church office if you have a prayer request.


Cookie Ministry

In months with five Sundays, Rock Solid Youth meet on the fifth Sunday to bake cookies, which are used in various ministries.


Fall Bazaar

A variety of crafts and foods are available at the annual Fall Bazaar, an opportunity for church and community members to gather.



Solid Rock members and regular attenders may apply for college scholarships offered annually.


Community VBS

In cooperation with other Warren churches, a Vacation Bible School is hosted annually at a different site each year.


Camp Scholarships

All children of the church who apply to attend a United Methodist church camp are eligible for this scholarship, which pays a portion of their registration fee.


Bear Ministry

Donated teddy bears are given to children and others in need of emotional support and encouragement.


 For more information about any of these ministries, contact the church office at 375-3873.